

Our reviews are written by independent theatregoers. If you're looking for unbiased and honest reviews, you're in the right place. And don't forget that the ratings on our website are compiled from real reviews from real customers.


Magic Goes Wrong
22 Jan
Josephine Balfour-Oatts

Review: MAGIC GOES WRONG at the Vaudeville Theatre

Magic Goes Wrong Hit company Mischief Theatre put their comedic sorcery to the test in Magic Goes Wrong, their latest addition to the London stage.

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The Canary and The Crow
22 Jan
Stuart King

Review: THE CANARY AND THE CROW at The Arcola Theatre

The Canary and The Crow Hull-based theatre company Middle Child follows its prize garnering tour around the provinces, with a much deserved 4-week London run at the Arcola of Daniel Ward’s semi-autobiographical The Canary and the Crow in which a working class black kid is offered a place at a prestigious grammar school. Let the culture clash commence.

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Fix - Pleasance Theatre
17 Jan
Stuart King

Review: FIX at the Pleasance Theatre

Fix - Pleasance Theatre A house in the woods, its old woman occupant and a storm closing-in. What looks like a simple ‘pitch-up, fix washing machine and leave’ scenario for repairman Kevin, takes on an altogether darker and more sinister tone in Julie Tsang’s new play at The Pleasance.

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Anita-Joy Uwajeh, Eben Figueiredo, James McAvoy in Cyrano de Bergerac
13 Jan
Justin Murray

Review: CYRANO DE BERGERAC at the Playhouse Theatre

It’s the 1640s - or perhaps it’s today. In the Jamie Lloyd Company’s modern-dress production of CYRANO starring James McAvoy, one isn’t quite sure.

Either way Cyrano is still the fiercest fighter and wittiest wordsmith in Paris - just don’t mention his large nose, which is something of a sore point.

Anita-Joy Uwajeh, Eben Figueiredo, James McAvoy in Cyrano de Bergerac Anita-Joy Uwajeh, Eben Figueiredo, and James McAvoy in Cyrano de Bergerac

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Curtains .png
06 Jan
Josephine Balfour-Oatts

Review: CURTAINS at the Wyndham's Theatre

Curtains .png Jason Manford leads an exquisite cast in Curtains - an all-singing-all dancing whodunnit enough to remedy any pre-Christmas crises. 

Photo: Richard Davenport

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