

Our reviews are written by independent theatregoers. If you're looking for unbiased and honest reviews, you're in the right place. And don't forget that the ratings on our website are compiled from real reviews from real customers.


Mamma Mia! The Musical
16 Sep
Justin Murray

Review: MAMMA MIA! at the Novello Theatre

Mamma Mia! The Musical ABBA, and pop music like it, were never a big part of my childhood (in my household Mozart was considered avant garde, it’s a long story, I’ll tell you another time). But Mamma Mia has existed in the London theatresphere since the previous millennium, and, with the show reopening this week after a long pandemic-shaped hiatus, I went along to see what the big deal was.

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Paradise - National Theatre
20 Aug
John Yap

Review: PARADISE at The Olivier Theatre, Royal National Theatre

Paradise - National Theatre Sophocles’ Philoctetes is given a new version in a re-imagined production by the National Theatre. The new version is by Kae Tempest, re-imagined for the stage by Ian Rickson now renamed PARADISE. It promises to be a bold cutting edge play and production for the contemporary audience.

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Constellations - London Play
07 Aug
Stuart King

Review: CONSTELLATIONS at the Vaudeville Theatre

Constellations - London Play The intimate Vaudeville Theatre on London’s Strand, is currently playing host to Michael Longhurst’s superb revival of Nick Payne’s wonderfully touching 2012 play Constellations.

As the West End gently reawakens, after the devastating restrictions imposed by lockdown, there’s perhaps a greater need than ever before for subtle, life-affirming, human interaction stories — and this is among the very best.

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Pretty Woman The Musical
04 Aug
John Yap

Review: PRETTY WOMAN at the Savoy Theatre

Pretty Woman The Musical PRETTY WOMAN The Musical returns to the West End triumphantly at The Savoy Theatre with the packed house audience leaping to its feet, cheering it to the rafters at the end.

When the musical opened at The Piccadilly Theatre at the end of February 2020, it was on its way to becoming a “hit” when it was forced to shut down by the pandemic on March 16.

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Hairspray The Musical
11 Jul
John Yap

Review: HAIRSPRAY at The London Coliseum

Hairspray The Musical HAIRSPRAY returns to London for a limited season at the London Coliseum and it’s a fitting joyful fanfare to herald the West End blossoming into life again.

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