

Our reviews are written by independent theatregoers. If you're looking for unbiased and honest reviews, you're in the right place. And don't forget that the ratings on our website are compiled from real reviews from real customers.


Jack Holden in Cruise
17 Aug
Stuart King

Review: CRUISE at Apollo Theatre, Shaftesbury Avenue

CRUISE is based on Jack Holden’s personal experiences volunteering in his youth at the London Gay Switchboard Helpline during the 1980s — and he deploys a particularly effective device to segue the audience into that hedonistic lost realm. One clumsily-handled call catapults us to Soho during its heyday and a time in which the AIDS crisis has only just begun to creep into the wider consciousness.

Jack Holden in CruiseJack Holden in Cruise at the Apollo Theatre. Photo Pamela Raith.

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Tom, Dick & Harry
08 Aug
Miriam Gibson

Review: Tom, Dick & Harry at the Alexandra Palace

Tom, Dick & Harry “Gentlemen, if we pull this off it will be the greatest escape mankind has ever made”. Low stakes, then, in this enjoyable play depicting of the escape from Stalag Luft III Prisoner of War camp.

Tom, Dick & Harry begins in 1943, with a motley crew of captured airmen imprisoned in Stalag Luft camp in Nazi Germany. British pilots Ballard and Wings are the stereotypical posh-boy pilots seen in many stories about the RAF. But Tom, Dick & Harry also shines a light on airmen from across Europe, as well as Australia and the Caribbean. The band of heroes is winning, if broadly-drawn.

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South Pacific at the Sadlers Wells. Photo Johan Persson.
08 Aug
Stuart King

Review: SOUTH PACIFIC at Sadler’s Wells

Chichester Festival Theatre’s production of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s perennial favourite SOUTH PACIFIC, is playing a limited London engagement at Sadler’s Wells until 28th August.

South Pacific at the Sadlers Wells. Photo Johan Persson.South Pacific at Sadler's Wells. Photo Johan Persson.

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Wanda Opalinska (Nadia+Marcella) and Oliver-Alvin Wilson (Dom+Bob) in All of Us at the National Theatre. Photo by Helen Murray.
05 Aug
Stuart King

Review: ALL OF US at The Dorfman, National Theatre

There can be few taboo subjects which induce the level of instantaneously awkward and uncomfortable human interactions than confronting unexpected physical disability. In Ms Wobbly’s funny and moving play ALL OF US, the audience are let off lightly, for it is largely a joy and although painful in sections, ultimately enlightening and thought-provoking.

Wanda Opalinska (Nadia+Marcella) and Oliver-Alvin Wilson (Dom+Bob) in All of Us at the National Theatre. Photo by Helen Murray.Wanda Opalinska (Nadia+Marcella) and Oliver-Alvin Wilson (Dom+Bob) in All of Us at the National Theatre. Photo by Helen Murray.

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Tasting Notes - Charlie Ryall and Niall Ransome Photo Chris Marchant
30 Jul
Stuart King

Review: TASTING NOTES at the Southwark Playhouse

Tasting Notes which has just opened at Southwark Playhouse — and is billed as a new musical with legs (vinophiles will get the reference) — should perhaps more correctly be titled “Six Characters in Search of a Wine Bar” (or even, “Six Characters in Search of a Place to Drown their Sorrows”).

Tasting Notes - Charlie Ryall and Niall Ransome Photo Chris MarchantCharlie Ryall and Niall Ransome in Tasting Notes. Photo Chris Marchant

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