

Our reviews are written by independent theatregoers. If you're looking for unbiased and honest reviews, you're in the right place. And don't forget that the ratings on our website are compiled from real reviews from real customers.


Back to the Future the Musical
12 Sep
Miriam Gibson

Review: BACK TO THE FUTURE at the Adelphi Theatre

Back To The Future: The Musical will only appeal to fans of the original film….so that’s pretty much everybody.

From the bar to the curtain, the Adelphi Theatre’s design sets the scene for show’s sci-fi theme. Bob Gale’s adaptation of the movie’s script is a faithful one. There are very few plot changes, and all the favourite jokes remain- Calvin Klein, Ronald Reagan, “Why don’t you make like a tree and get outta here?!”.

Back to the Future the MusicalBack to the Future the Musical at the Adelphi Theatre.

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Jade Johnson and Elijah Ferreira in HELP! We Are Still Alive at Seven Dials Playhouse. Photo by Danny Kaan.
11 Sep
Stuart King

Review: HELP! WE ARE STILL ALIVE at Seven Dials Playhouse

Elijah Ferreira and Jade Johnson play an ill-matched protagonist couple in a new post-apocalyptic musical HELP! WE ARE STILL ALIVE which opened at the intimate Seven Dials Playhouse this week. The creative enterprise largely concocted by Imogen Palmer and Tim Gilvin, sees Finn and Jass forced to stick with one another when after emerging from 2 days spent hiding from drone sounds in a mortuary freezer compartment, they discover everyone else has disappeared.

Jade Johnson and Elijah Ferreira in HELP! We Are Still Alive at Seven Dials Playhouse. Photo by Danny Kaan.Jade Johnson and Elijah Ferreira in HELP! We Are Still Alive at Seven Dials Playhouse. Photo by Danny Kaan.

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Ride - a New Musical - Liv Andrusier - Photographer Danny Kaan
31 Aug
Stuart King

Review: RIDE at Charing Cross Theatre

Annie Londonderry may not be a familiar name nowadays, but back in the burgeoning days of celebrity culture — 1895 to be precise — she was something of a superstar, having done the unthinkable by circumnavigating the globe, on a bicycle!

Ride - a New Musical - Liv Andrusier - Photographer Danny KaanLiv Andrusier in RIDE at Charing Cross Theatre - Photographer Danny Kaan

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Attenborough and his Animals
31 Aug
Stuart King

Review: ATTENBOROUGH AND HIS ANIMALS at Wilton’s Music Hall

Attenborough and his Animals Following previous successful runs at the Adelaide and Edinburgh Fringe Festivals, Clownfish Theatre bring to life their absurdist take on David Attenborough and some of his more dazzlingly memorable encounters with the animal kingdom, for 8 performances at Wilton’s Music Hall in East London.

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Jack Holden in Cruise
17 Aug
Stuart King

Review: CRUISE at Apollo Theatre, Shaftesbury Avenue

CRUISE is based on Jack Holden’s personal experiences volunteering in his youth at the London Gay Switchboard Helpline during the 1980s — and he deploys a particularly effective device to segue the audience into that hedonistic lost realm. One clumsily-handled call catapults us to Soho during its heyday and a time in which the AIDS crisis has only just begun to creep into the wider consciousness.

Jack Holden in CruiseJack Holden in Cruise at the Apollo Theatre. Photo Pamela Raith.

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