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Best of Enemies
05 Dec
Miriam Gibson

Review: BEST OF ENEMIES at the Noel Coward Theatre

Best of Enemies “There are two things I shall no longer be turning down,” announces Gore Vidal, played by a sardonic Zachary Quinto in Best of Enemies, “Sex, and television appearances".

It’s the late 1960s and TV is a new and exciting business in the USA. News needn’t just be “What happened?” any longer, it can be “What do you think?”. That’s what the ABC executives reckon at least, worried that their network is becoming the least-watched channel as they enter an election year.

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Best of Enemies
01 Dec
Stuart King

Review: BEST OF ENEMIES at the Noel Coward Theatre

Zachary Quinto (the most recent incarnation of Mr Spock in the Star Trek film franchise) becomes the latest in a long line of Hollywood imports to hit London’s theatre district. Stylishly delivering his effete East Coast leftie Gore Vidal to David Harewood’s brittle and uptight right-winger William F Buckley Jr, the two spar for the TV cameras in ABC’s news studio as they offer their distinctly polarised political assessment of the Republican and Democratic conventions in the run-up to the 1968 US Presidential Election.

Best of Enemies David Harewood and Zachary Quinto, Best of Enemies, Noel Coward Theatre.

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ENO 22-23, It’s a Wonderful Life, Donovan Singletary, Ronald Samm, Frederick Ballentine, Danielle de Niese © Lloyd Winters
26 Nov
Stuart King

Review: IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE at London Coliseum

Philip Van Doreen Stern’s story The Greatest Gift formed the basis for Frank Capra’s 1946 classic piece of filmic Christmas whimsy IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE containing James Stewart’s searing portrayal of a small town American family man, who feels trapped in a humdrum existence and considers suicide on Christmas Eve. The movie has been beloved by generations, but does it make a good subject for operatic treatment?

ENO 22-23, It’s a Wonderful Life, Donovan Singletary, Ronald Samm, Frederick Ballentine, Danielle de Niese © Lloyd WintersENO 22-23, It’s a Wonderful Life, Donovan Singletary, Ronald Samm, Frederick Ballentine, Danielle de Niese © Lloyd Winters

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Dinner With Groucho. Ian Bartholomew, Greg Hicks. Photo by Ros Kavanagh
21 Nov
Stuart King

Review: DINNER WITH GROUCHO at Arcola Theatre

In its infinitely trusting capacity as a house to champion new work, The Arcola Theatre has included in its current season Frank McGuinness’ intriguingly titled DINNER WITH GROUCHO which enjoyed a short run at The Gate in Dublin. However, despite its exceedingly short running time (barely 70mins), this overbaked absurdist 3 hander, drew stifled yawns and bemused consternation at last evenings Press Night.

Dinner With Groucho. Ian Bartholomew, Greg Hicks. Photo by Ros KavanaghDinner With Groucho. Ian Bartholomew, Greg Hicks. Photo by Ros Kavanagh

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From Here to Eternity - Charing Cross Theatre
10 Nov
Stuart King

Review: FROM HERE TO ETERNITY at Charing Cross Theatre

From Here to Eternity - Charing Cross Theatre US soldiers stationed at Hawaii during the Second World War, pace the barracks growling like caged tigers due to the lack of anything to occupy them — aside from posturing, banter and press-ups in readiness for a boxing tournament. Soon will come Japan’s calculated surprise attack on Pearl Harbour, but before then, there’s a fair chunk of James Jones’ 1951 story to get through. The burning question, is will audiences be sufficiently engaged by the characters in this musical, to care what happens to them by the time the devastating aerial attack is delivered?

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