

Our reviews are written by independent theatregoers. If you're looking for unbiased and honest reviews, you're in the right place. And don't forget that the ratings on our website are compiled from real reviews from real customers.


18 Jan
Stuart King

Review: ALLEGIANCE at Charing Cross Theatre

Allegiance Based on the real life recollections of George Takei (known to millions as Mr Sulu in Star Trek), writers Lorenzo Thione and Jay Kuo have created ALLEGIANCE based on a book by Marc Acito.

The familial divisions which resulted from this rarely explored aspect of the Second World War, are illuminated and dissected in musical form - with heart-rending results.

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Six the Musical
13 Jan
Miriam Gibson

Review: SIX at Vaudeville Theatre

Six the Musical Do you enjoy the following: puns, parodies, pop music, noise, neon, shiny stuff, shrieking audiences. If you answered no, then SIX isn't for you.

If you answered yes, then you're probably already familiar with the show, which went from Edinburgh Fringe to the Tony Awards in only five years.

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Sons of the Prophet
13 Dec
Stuart King

Review: SONS OF THE PROPHET at Hampstead Theatre

Making its European premiere following a Pulitzer nomination, Stephen Karam's Sons Of The Prophet opened this week at Hampstead Theatre. For a comedy play which literally starts with a deer-in-the-headlights moment, its strength lies in the instantaneous relatability of the many middle-America characters who by the end have each experienced or conveyed their own darkly comic emotional crossroads.

Sons of the ProphetSons of the Prophet at Hampstead Theatre

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Mandela at the Young Vic
12 Dec
Stuart King

Review: MANDELA at the Young Vic

If ever there were a man worthy of an heroic musical treatment of his life, then surely Nelson Mandela would automatically qualify as a case for treatment. With music and lyrics by Greg Dean Borowsky, Shaun Borowsky and a book by Laiona Michelle, the Young Vic plays host to Mandela. Directed by Schele Williams, choreographed by Gregory Maqoma and proudly proclaiming the production's close associations with the Mandela family.

Mandela at the Young VicMandela at the Young Vic

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Hex at The National Theatre
07 Dec
Stuart King

Review: HEX at the National Theatre

After considerable initial anticipation, (mired by a spate of unfortunate Covid cancellations), Rufus Norris announced the postponement of HEX’s original National Theatre opening nearly 12 months ago. This week, assembling at the Olivier a year on, press night attendees, (many of whom were earnestly hoping for an end to the disquieting run of mediocre offerings from that period of the National’s recent past), finally got to assess for themselves the work on which so many reputations seemed to depend just a short while ago.

Hex at The National Theatre Hex at The National Theatre

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