

Our reviews are written by independent theatregoers. If you're looking for unbiased and honest reviews, you're in the right place. And don't forget that the ratings on our website are compiled from real reviews from real customers.


Winner's Curse
14 Feb
Stuart King

Review: WINNER’S CURSE at Park Theatre

Winner's Curse The stakes are high when a fragile ceasefire causes two countries to enter into peace talks. The strip of land they have been fighting over, could be any of a number of world conflict zones, but right now with Ukraine never far from anyone's mind, the scenario seems particularly prescient.

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Cast of Phaedra at the National Theatre. Photo by Johan Persson
10 Feb
Stuart King

Review: PHAEDRA at National Theatre, Lyttelton

Scholars would accept that the Greeks knew a thing or two about mankind’s foibles, failings and fallibilities. Undoubtedly determined to ensure that the theatrical fashion for exploring human vice and perversion would never die-out, their dramatists oft returned to (and rehashed) yarns of gore, exploring incest, infanticide, lust, regicide and an assortment of other unpalatable proclivities, to excess.

Cast of Phaedra at the National Theatre. Photo by Johan PerssonCast of Phaedra at the National Theatre. Photo by Johan Persson

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How Not To Drown - Theatre Royal Stratford East
01 Feb
Stuart King

Review: HOW NOT TO DROWN at Theatre Royal Stratford East

With just five performers — including Dritan Kastrati, on whose real life experiences HOW NOT TO DROWN is based — Stratford East continues its association with hard-hitting drama which gives voice to the under-represented, victimised and dispossessed.

How Not To Drown - Theatre Royal Stratford EastSam Reuben and the Company of How Not To Drown. Credit Tommy Ga-Ken Wan.

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The Elephant Song
24 Jan
Stuart King

Review: THE ELEPHANT SONG at Park Theatre

The Elephant Song Psychiatric wards have provided a rich source of material for writers and dramatists over the decades, but in a world where our mental health and well-being are discussed and evaluated more openly than at any time in human history, does Nicholas Billon’s psychological drama THE ELEPHANT SONG have anything interesting to say to a modern audience?

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The Unfriend
19 Jan
Stuart King

Review: THE UNFRIEND at Criterion Theatre

The Unfriend Holiday friendships (especially those made on a cruise ship) aren’t meant to go beyond the holiday, right? Everybody knows that. It’s one of those dependable unwritten rules! Unless that is, you are Elsa Jean Krakowski, a brash American widow and Trump-devotee from Denver, with something of a disturbing history, who has just emailed to advise she’s standing outside your front door.

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