Brian Friel’s 1990 play set during harvest time at the village of Ballybeg somewhere in County Donegal, is intensely evocative of a world which has almost entirely disappeared. At the home of the five Mundy Sisters before the onset of the Second World War, there’s a daily battle to make ends meet whilst looking after the men in their lives — Uncle Jack (Ardal O’Hanlon) just returned from the leper colony in Ugandaand seven year old Michael Evans whose childhood memories recounted as an adult (Tom Vaughan-Lawlor) serve to narrate the piece.
Siobhán McSweeney (Maggie), Bláithín Mac Gabhann (Rose), Louisa Harland (Agnes), Justine Mitchell (Kate) & Alison Oliver (Chris) in Dancing at Lughnasa at the National Theatre. Photo by Johan Persson