

Our reviews are written by independent theatregoers. If you're looking for unbiased and honest reviews, you're in the right place. And don't forget that the ratings on our website are compiled from real reviews from real customers.


Cruel Intentions - Pamela Raith Photography
22 Jan
Stuart King

Review: CRUEL INTENTIONS at The Other Palace

A pair of cynical step-siblings (arrogant jock and bitchy beauty) exude a barely suppressed sexual tension leading to unsavoury competitiveness. The result is a bet between the two which essentially determines which of them has the greatest capacity to deceive and manipulate. When it comes to victims, the many naive and unworldly attendees of the affluent school they attend, provide rich pickings.

Cruel Intentions - Pamela Raith PhotographyCruel Intentions - Pamela Raith Photography

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Rehab the Musical
18 Jan
Stuart King

Review: REHAB THE MUSICAL at Neon 194

It’s the late 1990s and an arrogant pop bad boy is caught snorting by the paparazzi and gets lippy with the judge, earning himself 60 days at a rehab facility. It’ll be a doddle, right? But will the young upstart be learning life lessons from his mixed band of fellow recovering addicts, or the other way around?

Rehab the MusicalThe company, Rehab the Musical. Photo by Mark Senior

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The cast of The Motive and the Cue in the West End. © Mark Douet
20 Dec
Stuart King

Review: THE MOTIVE AND THE CUE at Noel Coward

It’s 1964 and movie star Richard Burton (Johnny Flynn) is in rehearsals for a production of Hamlet on Broadway. The stakes could not be higher for the Welshman who’d tied the knot with Elizabeth Taylor (Tuppence Middleton) a mere three weeks before opening night. At the helm, Shakespearean titan Sir John Gielgud (Mark Gatiss) whose classical delivery and poetic appreciation for the text, inform his directorial style and are entirely at odds with Burton’s ferocious modern vision.

The cast of The Motive and the Cue in the West End. © Mark DouetThe cast of The Motive and the Cue in the West End. © Mark Douet

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Woody Harrelson (Jay Conway) and Andy Serkis (Leigh Carver) in Second Half Production's Ulster American at Riverside Studios - photo by Johan Persson
13 Dec
Stuart King

Review: ULSTER AMERICAN at Riverside Studios

West London was awash with celebs for Wednesday evening’s opening of David Ireland’s comedy drama ULSTER AMERICAN which premiered at Riverside Studios Hammersmith, to a universally rapturous ovation from the enthralled audience… but what will critics make of it (especially when they were repeatedly disparaged during several actor-y onslaughts)?

Woody Harrelson (Jay Conway) and Andy Serkis (Leigh Carver) in Second Half Production's Ulster American at Riverside Studios - photo by Johan PerssonWoody Harrelson (Jay Conway) and Andy Serkis (Leigh Carver) in Second Half Production's Ulster American at Riverside Studios - photo by Johan Persson

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Nathaniel Parker & Jacob Fortune-Lloyd in Rock 'n' Roll. Credit Manuel Harlan
13 Dec
Stuart King

Review: ROCK 'N' ROLL at Hampstead Theatre

With its slightly left of left-field title, Tom Stoppard’s 2006 work ROCK ‘N’ ROLL tells a generational love story through the political dissection and intellectual cut and thrust of 1960s European communism, particularly as it found a home in Czechoslovakia.

Nathaniel Parker & Jacob Fortune-Lloyd in Rock 'n' Roll. Credit Manuel HarlanNathaniel Parker & Jacob Fortune-Lloyd in Rock 'n' Roll. Credit Manuel Harlan

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