

Our reviews are written by independent theatregoers. If you're looking for unbiased and honest reviews, you're in the right place. And don't forget that the ratings on our website are compiled from real reviews from real customers.


The cast of The Women of Llanrumney at Theatre Royal Stratford East. Photo credit Chuko Cribb
26 Mar
Stuart King

Review: THE WOMEN OF LLANRUMNEY at Theatre Royal, Stratford East

In a direct transfer from Cardiff’s Sherman Theatre, Azuka Oforka’s debut play THE WOMEN OF LLANRUMNEY is set at a grand but faded plantation home overlooking Jamaica’s Blue Mountains.

The cast of The Women of Llanrumney at Theatre Royal Stratford East. Photo credit Chuko CribbThe cast of The Women of Llanrumney at Theatre Royal Stratford East. Photo credit Chuko Cribb.

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Man in the Mirror
23 Mar
Stuart King

Review: MAN IN THE MIRROR at Golders Green Hippodrome

Proud use of the title of Michael Jackson’s famous hit song in naming this production, would suggest that the producers of MAN IN THE MIRROR are actively challenging and defying the rabid cancel culture movement and instead choose to celebrate the performances, songs and stage shows of the late The King of Pop.

Man in the MirrorMan in the Mirror

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Oliver Maynard and Nick Hyde in Double Act at Southwark Playhouse. Photography by Tanya Pabaru.
23 Mar
Stuart King

Review: DOUBLE ACT at Southwark Playhouse

Two actors, dressed alike, finishing each other’s sentences or talking over one another combatively, give the distinct impression that they emanate from the same head and that things have reached a point of no return. Today will be different. Today will be planned and it will be done right.

Oliver Maynard and Nick Hyde in Double Act at Southwark Playhouse. Photography by Tanya Pabaru.Oliver Maynard and Nick Hyde in Double Act at Southwark Playhouse. Photography by Tanya Pabaru.

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Cate Blanchett in The Seagull at Barbican. Image by Richard Lakos
22 Mar
Stuart King

Review: THE SEAGULL at Barbican

In the midst of the Russian countryside, with fold-away chairs ranged around the edge of a lake and a dense cornfield acting as a backdrop to aid playful entrances and exits, Chekhov’s classic THE SEAGULL is performed as you’ve never before experienced it.

Cate Blanchett in The Seagull at Barbican. Image by Richard LakosCate Blanchett in The Seagull at Barbican. Image by Richard Lakos

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Stanley Townsend (Mr Parks) and Ivanno Jeremiah (Sidney Poitier) in Retrograde at the Apollo Theatre. Credit - Marc Brenner
20 Mar
Stuart King

Review: RETROGRADE at the Apollo Theatre

After playing the first besuited, black, on-screen doctor in No Way Out, the young Sidney Poitier is a hot property and on the verge of stardom. But this is 1955 and the studios have to place the concerns and considerations of their sponsors, front and centre.

Stanley Townsend (Mr Parks) and Ivanno Jeremiah (Sidney Poitier) in Retrograde at the Apollo Theatre. Credit - Marc BrennerStanley Townsend (Mr Parks) & Ivanno Jeremiah (Sidney Poitier) in Retrograde at the Apollo Theatre. Credit - Marc Brenner.

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