
New Shows

Here is where you will read about new shows, upcoming productions, and West End gossips!

New Shows

king troll the fawn london
06 Sep
New Shows
Emmie Newitt

KING TROLL (THE FAWN) comes to New Diorama Theatre from next month

The world premiere of this dark and otherworldly thriller heads to London for a limited season beginning next month.

king troll the fawn londonKing Troll (The Fawn) artwork.

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marilyn the exhibition london
06 Sep
New Shows
Emmie Newitt

The UK premiere of MARILYN - THE EXHIBITION will open in London this Autumn

People can delve into the fascinating life of Hollywood's timeless luminary Marilyn Monroe with this new exhibition heading to London next month.

marilyn the exhibition londonMarilyn - The Exhibition artwork.

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foreverland southwark playhouse cast
04 Sep
New Shows
Emmie Newitt

Cast announced for World Premiere of FOREVERLAND in London

The new play, written by the upcoming playwright Emma Hemingfod will premiere in London for a limited three-week run next month.

foreverland southwark playhouse castEmma McDonald, Christopher York, Valerie Antwi and Una Byrne headshots.

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titanique west end
03 Sep
New Shows
Emmie Newitt

TITANIQUE announces more details on West End run

After taking New York by storm, the highly anticipated musical comedy announces more information on their transfer to London.

titanique west endConstantine Rousouli, Marla Mindelle & Alex Ellis in Titanique at The Asylum. Photo by Emilio Madrid

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english national opera 2024 and 2025 season
29 Aug
New Shows
Emmie Newitt

ENO announces their 2024/25 season at the London Coliseum

Are you interested in experiencing opera in the heart of London? Find out what is to come from the latest season from the English National Opera.

english national opera 2024 and 2025 seasonLa bohème and Suor Angelica (Sister Angelica) artwork.

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