London Box Office

THE COMEDY ABOUT A BANK ROBBERY announces new cast and extended booking period

The Comedy About A Bank Robbery has extended its booking period at the Criterion Theatre, playing until 3rd November 2019, as well as announcing a new cast for its run.

Those joining the cast are Julia Frith (Caprice Freeboys), Liam Jeavons (Mitch Ruscitti), Jack Whittle (Sam Monaghan) and Jean-Luke Worrell (Warren Slax). On 15th January 2019, Gareth Tempest (Mitch Ruscitti) and Emily Stott (Caprice Freeboys) join the cast. The cast continuing in their roles include Samson Ajewole (Cooper), Jenna Augen (Ruth Monaghan), Jack Baldwin (Officer Randal Shuck), Leonard Cook (Robin Freeboys) and Chris Leask (Everyone Else).