Stuart King

Stuart King

Yeast Nation: The Triumph of Life at Southwark Playhouse. Photo by Claire Bilyard
27 Jul
Stuart King

Review: YEAST NATION (THE TRIUMPH OF LIFE) at Southwark Playhouse

Greg Kotis and Mark Hollmann (Tony-winning writers of the brilliant fringe favourite Urinetown) wrote this well-meaning prequel back in 2007 and then brazenly launched it upon the unsuspecting residents of Alaska! After multiple revisions and years of small-scale US productions, this evening’s opening at Southwark Playhouse marks the musical’s European premier.

Yeast Nation: The Triumph of Life at Southwark Playhouse. Photo by Claire Bilyard Yeast Nation: The Triumph of Life at Southwark Playhouse. Photo by Claire Bilyard.

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Jean Paul Gaultier: Fashion Freak Show
20 Jul
Stuart King

Review: FASHION FREAK SHOW at The Roundhouse

Freakishly-funky, frivolously-fripperous, fabulously-flamboyant, fragrant and fantastic — it’s everything a fun-loving fashionista could dream of.

The life of French fashion designer Jean-Paul Gaultier (he of the horizontal striped naval costumes and extravagantly sexual perfume adverts) hit the Roundhouse on Tuesday evening after months of pre-publicity. So did the show live up to the hype?

Jean Paul Gaultier: Fashion Freak ShowJean Paul Gaultier: Fashion Freak Show at the Roundhouse. Photo by Mark Senior

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Much Ado About Nothing - Lyttelton Theatre - National Theatre
19 Jul
Stuart King

Review: MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING at National Theatre, Lyttelton

Much Ado… is generally considered one of Shakespeare’s more playful comedies (due mainly to the witty exchanges between Beatrice and Benedick, who repeatedly deny their obvious attraction for one another). But there is also the matter of a maiden’s undoing, brought about by rumour and slander concocted by envious and greedy men. The Lyttelton’s production strongly embraces both comic and tragic elements.

Much Ado About Nothing - Lyttelton Theatre - National Theatre The cast of Much Ado About Nothing at the Lyttelton Theatre. Photo by Manuel Harlan

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The Throne - Charing Cross Theatre
04 Jul
Stuart King

Review: THE THRONE at Charing Cross Theatre

Billed as a majestic new comedy, John Goldsmith’s The Throne is set at a comprehensive school where the occupants eagerly await a visit by Her Majesty the Queen, during her 2002 Golden Jubilee tour of the nation.

The Throne - Charing Cross TheatreCharlie Condou and Mary Roscoe in The Throne at the Charing Cross Theatre. Photo: Tristram Kenton

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The Lion King Musical - London
29 Jun
Stuart King

Second look: THE LION KING at Lyceum Theatre

The Lion King Musical - London In 1999 this reviewer first sat in the stalls of the Lyceum Theatre to witness the theatrical magic of the opening sequence of Disney’s The Lion King, during which the audience is gradually enveloped by wild creatures of the African plain come to pay homage to Mustafa and the arrival of his cub Simba.

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