Phil Willmott

All About HAIRSPRAY at the London Coliseum
By Phil Willmott Thursday, March 25 2021, 19:24
Producers have just released a punchy little video in which West End musical theatre superstar Michael Ball looks very excited to announce that the latest opening date for the much anticipated revival of feel-good, hit show HAIRSPRAY at The Coliseum Theatre will be June 22nd.

By Phil Willmott Thursday, March 25 2021, 16:17
Anyone who doubts that the West End can be a place of fresh ideas should buy themselves tickets for the post-Covid return of the triumphant contemporary musical, EVERYBODY’S TALKING ABOUT JAMIE.

FAMILY THEATRE: Disney’s FROZEN is THE Show For Kids of all Ages This Summer
By Phil Willmott Monday, March 15 2021, 20:24
Recently I wrote of the value of taking kids to the theatre, especially following the isolation of lock down. After staring at our individual screens all day we can now engage as part of an audience again, finding joy in sharing in the drama and laughter of a story, together.

Phil Willmott’s Theatre Week: The Value of Taking Kids to the Theatre
By Phil Willmott Thursday, March 11 2021, 08:44
From time-to-time people ask my advice about how to get their teenager into theatre work, and of any opportunities I may have, or know of.
On these occasions I've learnt to say, "well, tell them to drop me an email with a little bit about their theatre interests and I'll advise on who best to contact". Guess what? I never hear a thing!

Could PRETTY WOMAN - THE MUSICAL be your Guilty Pleasure this Summer?
By Phil Willmott Monday, March 8 2021, 11:18
PRETTY WOMAN, the recent Broadway musical, based on the iconic 1990 film, returns to the Piccadilly Theatre from June 21st and it’s undeniably a good, undemanding night out, especially for those old enough to feel a nostalgia for the original movie, via which, most of us first noticed Julia Roberts. She is at her most vivacious in it and there was so much sizzling sexual chemistry between her and Richard Gere that it was possible to ignore how inappropriate a subject the call girl / client relationship is for a romantic comedy.
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