Nastazja Domaradzka

Review: THE SNOW QUEEN at Theatre N16
By Nastazja Domaradzka Tuesday, December 20 2016, 09:24
Tatty Hennessy’s adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen’s classictale THE SNOW QUEEN is Theatre N16’s alternative offering to the big commercial pantos. The production focuses on emphasizing the importance of the imagination and by doing so takes us on a journey of simplicity, joy and magic. Directed by Scott Ellis and Tatty Hennessy, THE SNOW QUEEN is a magnificent example of beautiful and unpretentious storytelling and is a must see for both adults and children.

Review: SINBAD THE SAILOR at Theatre Royal Stratford East
By Nastazja Domaradzka Monday, December 19 2016, 10:58
This year’s pantomime from Theatre Royal Stratford East SINBAD THE SAILOR offers quite an altered version of a well-known Middle Eastern tale. But whilst the plot changes offer a new perspective on the story and the performances are of a top quality, SINBAD THE SAILOR doesn’t carry the spirit of a great panto and instead gets muddled in its lack of a clear message and directions.

Review: HER ACHING HEART at The Hope Theatre
By Nastazja Domaradzka Tuesday, December 6 2016, 13:21
25 years since its premiere, Bryony Lavery’s HER ACHING HEART, a pastiche take on the Mills & Boons styled romance stories has been revived at The Hope Theatre. Directed by the artistic director of the venue Matthew Parker the show provides plenty of fun for this festive season.

Review: ALADDIN at Lyric Hammersmith
By Nastazja Domaradzka Thursday, December 1 2016, 17:00
Each year the late November brings us one of the best artistic festive inventions ever; the panto. The production of ALADDIN is this year’s offering from The Lyric Hammersmith. Directed by Ellen McDougall and written by Joel Horwood the show takes us on a journey full of laughter, high energy and some political references. Despite the presence of the magic flying carpet, at times ALADDIN lacks the necessary sparkle that makes for a great panto; this production still offers plenty of fun for both the old and the young.

Review: HOW TO DATE A FEMINIST at The Arcola Theatre
By Nastazja Domaradzka Wednesday, November 30 2016, 16:39
Down on one knee, ring box in hand, Steve is about to propose to Kate but before he pops the question he simply must apologise toher for the patriarchy and its oppression on women; because Steve is a feminist. This is the opening scene of Samantha Ellis’ HOW TO DATE A FEMINIST a hilarious and intelligentromantic comedy which is now back at The Arcola Theatre. Feminist or not, everyone should make their way to Dalston to experience Ellis’ brilliant writing, full of fresh ideas andinsightful questions.
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