Nastazja Domaradzka

Review: MISTY at The Bush Theatre
By Nastazja Domaradzka Saturday, March 24 2018, 14:32
We need to talk about political theatre, or lack of, but do we really? Maybe what we should be talking about instead are our own perceptions of what political theatre is?

Review: DUST at Soho Theatre
By Nastazja Domaradzka Wednesday, March 7 2018, 07:43
Alice is dead. She finally did it. She finally killed herself. Her pain and the unbearable reality of living with depression are finally over; except they are not.

Review: RITA, SUE AND BOB TOO at The Royal Court
By Nastazja Domaradzka Tuesday, January 23 2018, 12:56
Octagon Theatre Bolton and an Out of Joint co-production of Andrea Dunbar’s RITA, SUE AND BOB TOO endured a shaky road to the stage of The Royal Court. The Artistic Director of the theatre, Vicky Featherstone decided that in the light of recent events regarding sexual harassment in the industry this revival of Dunbar’s debut should not be part of The Royal Court season.

Review: AMADEUS at The National Theatre
By Nastazja Domaradzka Tuesday, January 23 2018, 11:28
Following its massive success last year, Peter Shaffer’s legendary AMADEUS returns to the Olivier’s Stage at The National Theatre. Whether you are a fan of Miloš Forman’s film adaptation of Shaffer’s play, or you’ve never heard of the play before, you will not be disappointed by Michael Longhurst’s visually striking story of jealousy, genius and music.

Review: DICK WHITTINGTON at The Palladium
By Nastazja Domaradzka Saturday, January 13 2018, 11:18
The January blues are upon us. When choosing the first production of 2018 to see, everyone should think about something cheerful and blissful that will shake off the disappointment of facing reality after the festive season.
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