Nastazja Domaradzka

Review: PERICLES at The National Theatre
By Nastazja Domaradzka Monday, September 3 2018, 18:11
I’m not really sure how to express all of those things that I felt during the National Theatre’s first PUBLIC ACTS (a community theatre programme) project, PERICLES. I cried a lot, I laughed a lot, I felt joyful and I also felt relieved because PERICLES made me realise that not all is lost and bleak, that theatre still holds the power to change lives and allow for thousands of people to share something special together.

Review: JULIE at The National Theatre
By Nastazja Domaradzka Wednesday, June 13 2018, 18:16
In this modern dress adaptation of Strindberg's 1888 1 Act play, MISS JULIE, It’s Julie’s (Vanessa Kirby) birthday and she’s throwing a massive party at her father’s mansion. People come in and out of the house but there is a feeling of boredom around Julie. She is determined to entertain herself and hide from real life; her escapism is filled with drugs and alcohol.

Review: LEAVE TAKING at The Bush Theatre
By Nastazja Domaradzka Monday, June 4 2018, 09:44
What makes good storytelling? No, let me ask that again; what differentiates stories that are good and stories that rip right through your heart and make you hurt? One thing for sure, the success of the latter often comes from their timelessness and ability to speak to people of all generations. Relevance pours out of Bush Theatre’s revival of Winsome Pinnock’s debut play LEAVE TAKING. Despite the piece being over 30 years old, Pinnock’s words are just as haunting in 2018 Tory Britain as they must have been during the Thatcherian era.
Sarah Niles and Wil Johnson in rehearsals for Leave Taking at the Bush Theatre © Helen Murray

Review: THE BUZZ at The Bread and Roses Theatre
By Nastazja Domaradzka Thursday, May 17 2018, 17:37
As a woman living in the #metoo world I can tell you one thing for sure, it’s been tough. I mean it’s always been tough but the last few months have been particularly hard. Whilst the movement has brought a certain level of awareness regarding the problem of sexual harassment and sexual violence towards women, it also exposed women to constant triggers, as the conversation is happening in the media pretty much all the time.

Review: NINE NIGHT at The National Theatre
By Nastazja Domaradzka Monday, May 7 2018, 08:39
Directed by one of the most exciting UK directors Roy Alexander Weise, Natasha Gordon’s debut play NINE NIGHT is a fly on the wall piece of theatre; a beautiful and harrowing, yet full of lightness and humour production that examines grief, family relationships and immigration.
Ricky Fearon and Cecilia Noble in Nine Night
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