Monty Leigh

Review: DUST at Trafalgar Studios
By Monty Leigh Wednesday, September 26 2018, 08:34
A clinical metal table, mirrors, a girl in wrapped bandages - ‘Fuck, I think this is the end.’ Dust, written and performed by the excellent Milly Thomas, is a one woman show about a girl called Alice who takes her own life. We meet her at the moment she ‘wakes up’ in her lonely afterlife and sees the chaos and pain she has left behind.

Review: FLAWED ____LIKE A B_Y at The Glory
By Monty Leigh Friday, September 21 2018, 20:30
“Red wine, ecstasy and heavy rock” - Flawed like a boy is a coming of age and a coming out story, that allows an audience to smell, hear and feel the experiences of a queer man growing up in Australia from the 1980s until now.

Review: RUN IT BACK at the Hackney Showrooms
By Monty Leigh Thursday, September 6 2018, 09:11
Talawa Theatre - the UK’s primary Black led touring theatre company - ’calls the ravers in’ with its latest performance Run it Back. It is introduced with an astounding spoken word piece by the formidable Jasmine L Jones - she speaks about her love of a woman called poetry as she intricately interweaves what we know to be classical poetry with hip hop classics spanning decades. The woman she loves cannot be defined by rules, she is everything from John Donne to Kurtis Blow.

Review: HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL at the Tara Theatre then the Pleasance Dome at Edinburgh Fringe
By Monty Leigh Friday, August 3 2018, 10:00
Self proclaimed ‘professional idiots’ The Lampoons revive their re-imagining of William Castle’s 1959 American Film Horror “The House On Haunted Hill” – a film starring Vincent Price who offers a $10,000 prize to five strangers if they are able to survive one night at his haunted house. The Lampoons are off to Edinburgh, and I highly encourage you add them to your list.

REVIEW: Séayoncé at The Arches - Wandsworth Fringe
By Monty Leigh Friday, May 11 2018, 15:41
Hot Air Baboon productions presents the ‘baddest babe in the spirit world’ - Séayoncé a twisted and sassy show following the journeys of a confused and severely intoxicated mystic whose gender is entirely up for discussion. Séayoncé is a one-person comedy show performed by Daniel Wye, a charismatic and quick-witted performer with a real impeccable sense of comedic timing.
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