Davor Golub

Review: Grey Gardens at the Southwark Playhouse
By Davor Golub Friday, January 15 2016, 16:23
In 2013 I was absolutely blown away by Thom Southerland’s dazzling chamber version of the musical Titanic. However his Grand Hotel last year was a disappointment. I was therefore hoping he would be back on form with the UK premiere of the cult Broadway musical Grey Gardens. Sadly this is a weakly cast, and sloppily directed production of a show that is desperate for both real star wattage and clever direction if it is going to succeed.

Review: DERREN BROWN - MIRACLE at the Palace Theatre
By Davor Golub Friday, November 20 2015, 16:26
Having enjoyed Mentalist, Derren Brown’s TV shows for years I was, I must admit, quite excited to have the opportunity to finally see him live on stage. It is therefore a pleasure to report that his new show, MIRACLE, at the Palace Theatre for the next ten weeks, is chock full of the kind of jaw dropping tricks audiences have come to expect from Brown. Over and over throughout this slickly written and directed show you just keep thinking, “I know it’s a trick, but HOW DOES HE DO IT?”

Review ANNIE at the Wimbledon Theatre
By Davor Golub Monday, November 16 2015, 12:23
In the spirit of full disclosure I feel it is important to admit that ANNIE, now playing at the Wimbledon Theatre and continuing on tour, was the very first show I ever saw on Broadway at the age of 10 and it has therefore retained a special place in my musical theatre heart. Having suffered through the ill conceived and poorly reviewed 2012 Broadway revival, I approached director Nikolai Foster’s touring version, starring Strictly Come Dancing’s Craig Revel Horwood as Miss Hannigan, with some trepidation. However I am thrilled to report that this is a revelatory re-think of a family favorite that will satisfy both parents and children.

Review: ELF at the Dominion Theatre
By Davor Golub Thursday, November 12 2015, 12:19
There are certain shows where you are painfully aware that you are just not the target audience. Arriving at Elf, which is playing a Christmas season at the Dominion Theatre, I tried vainly to go with the flow and just accept the evening for the light, Christmas treat it is meant to be. However the relentless predictability and lack of theatrical imagination left me frustrated. Yet despite the controversially inflated ticket prices for a family show, the rest of the audience appeared to be having a great time and the show delivered the kind of family entertainment they were clearly anticipating.

Review: HARLEQUINADE/ALL ON HER OWN at the Garrick Theatre
By Davor Golub Monday, November 2 2015, 08:10
We are incredibly lucky in London to be in the midst of an era where commercial theatre is being reinvented by daring directors and producers. Unlike New York where only sure-fire, star studded hits ever make it to Broadway, the likes of Michael Grandage and Kenneth Branagh are providing the opportunity for audiences to experience an exciting range of both new and old works in the commercial West End.
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